
Lynn and Brown Director Jacqui Brown is just like one of the half million Australians who regularly donate blood every year.

Since her first donation about four years ago, Jacqui has been visiting the Red Cross office in Morley regularly to give both whole blood and plasma and now she is encouraging others to join in with supporting the worthy cause.

According to the Red Cross, every week there are 27,000 blood donations needed by people from all walks of life.

“By donating, I am able to help my fellow community members by giving something back while I am healthy enough to do so,” said Jacqui.

“Donating blood takes such a short amount of time and the staff at the Red Cross staff are so nice and friendly. But for me, the true reward is knowing that every time I give blood I save up to three lives,” said Jacqui.

Lynn and Brown also encourages its clients to consider becoming an organ donor when they make a Will. It is easy to register online with the Organ and Tissue Authority at www.humanservices.gov.au/organdonor and it is important to tell family and friends if you wish to be an organ donor.

“There are so many people in the community who will need blood at some point in their life.”

“It really is such a worthy cause and the Red Cross are always looking for more people to donate,” said Jacqui.



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