
Recently, Lynn and Brown Lawyers acted in a matter that has now been publicly reported by the court and, therefore, we can share it with...

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Lifestyle communities or otherwise known as residential parks are gaining popularity for those who wish to downsize, live in a lower maintenance environment, or access...

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When someone dies, the executor or administrator of the estate takes on the responsibility of the deceased estate. This person has a big responsibility, from...

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An Independent Children’s Lawyer (‘ICL’) may be appointed in parenting matters to help advocate for the best interests of the child or children where proceedings...

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It is important to reiterate that there is no property in a deceased’s body but the executor of a deceased person’s Will is entitled to...

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Introduction Contracts are generally drafted with the intention of being “airtight” and covering absolutely all bases, however in practice, this is often not the outcome...

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Few people, both young and old, know how important an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) is.  Of those people who do understand the importance of...

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You and your partner are about to move in together. Perhaps one of you has more assets or liabilities than the other. You both agree...

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The current extensive news coverage of family violence in Australia and the Government’s emergency meeting of the National Cabinet on 1 May 2024 to discuss...

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It is quite common after a separation for one party to have a lower income or less access to funds to meet their living expenses,...

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On 21 May 2024, a second attempt at mediating the defamation dispute between Senator Linda Reynolds and Brittany Higgins failed and the matter is now...

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I still haven’t received a distribution from a deceased estate that I am entitled to, what can I do? Pushing an executor to distribute When...

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