
A Year of Change: Your Guide to The Important New Laws Being Introduced in Australia in 2024

A Year of Change: Your Guide to The Important New Laws Being Introduced in Australia in 2024 Happy New Year! With the advent of the...

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As we embark on a new year and reflect on the one just gone, many of us will make promises to ourselves to make 2024...

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A personal guarantee is a promise made by a person (known as a guarantor), that they will personally meet the obligations of another person or...

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Many children in Australia are born through artificial insemination with sperm from donors protected by anonymity until the child born turns 16 years of age...

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As the holiday season unfolds and the year draws to a close, it is a good time for introspection and reflection. Amid the festivities and...

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Christmas certainly can be a challenging time of year for many of us, and the lead up to Christmas can at times be busy and...

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Over the last 28 years practising law, I have on many occasions been involved with advising clients in regard to ways to protect their personal...

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The prospect of being on school holidays, receiving gifts and spending extended time with loved ones mean most children anticipate Christmas with brimming excitement.  But...

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Since 2006, parenting decisions in the Family Court have proceeded on the basis that equal shared parental responsibility to both parents is in the best...

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Family Court property proceedings are notorious as expensive, protracted, and painful journeys that former spouses seeking closure in respect of their financial affairs are sometimes...

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The Australian people hold $3.5 trillion in superannuation. The number is so large it is hard to fathom, but so many Australians have not taken...

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COVID saw the many laws in regard to insolvency and bankruptcy suspended, but now the gate has been opened and the ATO is pursuing some...

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